Monday, 11 January 2016

Packing and anticipation - 8 days out

It's now only 8 days until I'm leaving the comfort of my home and I'm starting to get anxious but also excited. Is this the right thing to be doing? I think so but I guess I'm starting to get those pre-travel jitters.

I've started packing and it seems like there are only a few more hurdles before I set off on this big adventure. I have to go down to Wellington on Thursday to get my visa and I don't know, everything is just starting to feel so much more real.

I have been in communication with my counsellor, first host family and district chairman for my district in Argentina. My counsellor seems so so lovely and I'm really grateful that I am going to have such an amazing person who has my back in a completely new environment. I have also been communicating heaps with my first host mum Emma and she is so welcoming and I cannot wait to meet her. She seems to be one of those people who will always go the extra mile, for example with being gluten free, she messaged me saying "I'm a bit nervous about your Coeliac disease because it's not very common here but I am looking everywhere to try and find alternatives and we will eat with you, what you eat." Then her daughter messaged me saying that she has all these things we can do together and she is going to introduce me to lots of people my age before school starts, and honestly I'm just so grateful. It makes me more excited about what's ahead. Also they live on the side of a river and there house seems so so amazing and only a short walk to my school!

Another thing that happened, is that my friend Laura and I bumped into these Argentinian's at mission bay last weekend and Laura started speaking with them in Spanish (she's columbian). They all spoke so fast and it was probably the first time it all felt real to me and I started to fully comprehend how difficult these first few months are going to be. I could understand the gist of what they were saying but it was so hard to keep up when they said 4 words in what sounded like one. I know it will get easier and I can't wait to be able to speak fluently in Spanish, and I am especially lucky cause I have been studying Spanish for ages so I'm not going in with no knowledge whatsoever, but it's still nervewracking. Well nervewracking enough to give me a few sleepless nights.

8 days and counting

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