Saturday, 30 January 2016

Hitting the 1 week mark

I haven't really updated much for a few days because everything has kind of settled into a routine so there hasn't been much to report but I have now been in this house living in Argentina for exactly a week. This is just a short post to bring those who are interested up to date.

I really love my family! They always go out of their way to make sure that I am happy while also letting me have freedom and space. My host mum has been so busy this week because normally we have a lady clean our house and cook our food but she is on holiday and my mum couldn't get a replacement. This means that everyday she has been cleaning and cooking (yes I have tried to help) and when you have 5 dogs and a big house, cleaning is a full time job. Everyone is so encouraging with my Spanish and always up for a laugh (often at my host dad's jokes). For example last night I stayed up with my host sister until like 1am talking about the social pressures on teens (yes in spanish).

They have also been so good with my food. I have not been hungry or given food with gluten or food I don't like since I got here. They are so accommodating with what I can't eat and we always have gorgeous sit down meals.

The weather has maintained the ridiculously hot temperatures and every day it seems to hit at least 30 degrees. This means that I have spent a lot of time by the pool, or inside with the air con on. I am so so grateful to have the pool though. For example after my run yesterday, I was so sweaty and so I just jumped into the pool and life was just perfect.

Speaking of my run yesterday, that was probably one of the most scary points I have had here. Earlier that day, Virginia had taken me for a drive around the town so I could get to know it a bit better because I really wanted to go for a run later. So when we returned I put on my running gear and off I went. I ran alongside the river and then crossed the bridge into the park. At the place where I crossed the bridge, 4 guys were sitting around smoking and yarning and as I ran past they whistled at me and I was like ah creepy. So I kept going and running around this park and I swear like do people not run here??? Or is it because I look foreign?? cause every time I ran past someone they just stared at me like that's not what I was supposed to be doing?? I was like okay. Anyway so it was about 8 o'clock and getting dark so I decided that it was a good time to try and get home. I ran back the way I had come and got to the bit to cross the bridge but the guys were still there and I was like mmm no better not because of stranger danger. So I turned and ran out the park entrance a different way. Smart move right?? No! I ran for about 20 minutes in what I thought was the right direction, but no. I got myself really and truly lost, in the dark when I didn't speak much spanish. Fabulous. I kept going, feeling very scared. Eventually I managed to find the river and get back home.  I have never felt so relieved as the moment I knew where I was and could see my house in the distance. Luckily now I am getting to know the area a but better and in a few weeks it shouldn't be a problem but it was definitely a very scary situation and a caution to other future exchange students.

Another thing I have done is kept in a lot of contact with my family. Even though Rotary don't really advise this because it can cause homesickness, I love keeping my family updated with what I am doing and haven't felt homesick once. I even got the chance to Skype them the day before yesterday and that was really cool because I introduced them to my host mum and sister. It's weird because while I miss them, I feel very detached from NZ , and what is going on there because I have this whole other life over here and while I'm jealous of the beaches and obviously yarns in English, I know I am so lucky and so am not really thinking about nz because of it. Like I am in Argentina?? For a year?? How cool is that?? They have also received Svenja (the German exchange student) so they have a daughter replacement hahaha.

I also finally got a sim card for my phone although it took a ridiculous amount of trouble to obtain it. I think we went back maybe 4 times in total. I felt so bad for Virginia because she kept having to return with me. Basically they were just so frustrating like they forgot to put the sim card back in the packet?? So I return back home and just don't have it?? It's like how can you forget something like that?? And then he wanted me to pay 40 pesos for a new one? Like no? But it's okay because I have sussed it now and have a decent phone plan.

I have had the chance to hang out with 2 girls my age already, one is the daughter of my counsellor, Stefi and the other is the girl who is going to NZ on exchange this year on the 7th of February, Agustina.

With Stefi, we went to a bar called "La Goleta" (I had also been there the previous night with Virginia) and we just chatted! She is so lovely and very affectionate. We have loads in common and she is a good laugh. I'm not sure but I think I might be going out with her again tonight? She is always smiling and actually my height, if not shorter?!?!?! I know it's ridiculous the idea of someone shorter than me and older than me but yeah she is such a cool person and I can't wait to get to know her better.

With Agustina, I went over to her house and we had "Mate" (a common Argentinian herbal drink) and crackers. She is so amazing as well, very welcoming and lovely. Also a guy friend of hers came over and we chatted for a few hours. I am so excited for her to go to NZ on an exchange, I know she is gonna love it and will fit right in because she is so outgoing and sporty. She is also ridiculously gorgeous.

Another thing I love here, is the dogs. I love all 5 of our dogs. Alexia is like the mum of the group and very chill and so cute. Then there is Juana who is a little minx and always so excitable and gets jealous if you pat the other dogs and starts growling. Then there is Lupe and she is quite calm like Alexia but always so cute and happy. Then we have Charo who is this white ball of fluff. I love her, she is very much like Juana but less in your face. And finally we have Boris. Boris is the big guard dog and such a little softy and he follows my host dad around like my host dad is god. They are literally the light of my life. I love them way too much.

In terms of my spanish, you are probably curious to hear how that is going. I think I expected it to be harder than I have found it, due to the stories I had heard from everyone else. Like yes, I struggle with my spanish, especially in the morning when I am tired, and I don't voice all my thoughts like I would in NZ because sometimes I can't be bothered, but it is already getting so much easier. Everyday I am understanding more and more and I can always get what I want to say across, even if I explain it in really bad and grammatically incorrect spanish. I think the key thing is, is that I am immersing myself in it and always trying to speak spanish. I think my host sister is helping the most because although she speaks English very well she is always trying to explain words I dont know through other words in spanish and she is always willing to spend time with me and just speak in spanish. My host mum is also very helpful as she is always helping translate stuff I don't understand or help me in anyway she can. I can often understand at least parts of conversations going on around me, if not all and everyday my brain is absorbing more new words.

Just an update on what's ahead, I am not going to the festival that I was talking about going to in my last post because it was all too hard but I am going to Cordoba to my host sister's apartment next week from Monday to Wednesday and I am taking the bus down with my host mum! I am so excited because it means I can see Charo and meet other exchange students that live there. I am missing the first Rotary meeting which I feel bad about, but I reckon it will be so cool to explore Cordoba.

Hahahah whoops this was supposed to be short, I guess I just got carried away haha anyway,

Chao for now.

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