Monday, 7 December 2015

43 days out

Hi there, so I decided to start this blog to give everyone insight into the amazing adventure I have ahead of me and so that people can read about it instead of me having to repeatedly retell everyone what is going on. 

So, essentially I am lucky enough to be going to Argentina next year and have already had the amazing chance to be apart of the Rotary family since March this year. We had our very last official meeting yesterday and I'm not going to lie, I had a few butterflies, not sure if they were from excitement or nerves, but butterflies nonetheless. The photo below is one of my other outbounders and I, the wonderful people who will be the same shoes as me next year (although admittedly not in the same hemisphere). I hope that you will follow what I'm doing and will be interested in hearing about my year. I'm not sure whether all my posts will be in English, perhaps I will write in both languages when I'm proficient enough, or how regularly I will be posting, but I hope you will want to share this journey with me.

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