Sunday, 14 February 2016

Isla Verde and life in the 3rd week

I honestly can't believe that a week has passed. I don't know what I have been doing this week that has made it pass so ridiculously quickly but as always, here is my weekly update.

On Monday at around about 1:30pm after a quick lunch, Vir and I jumped in the car and we hit the road with the destination Isla Verde in mind. We hooned down the highway (if you could call it that) past hundreds and hundreds of fields of crops, blasting music and chatting. We made a quick pit stop at the farm (my host family's) but couldn't enter due to a recent storm which meant that the drive way was a pool of mud and so we continued on to Isla Verde. It was very amusing because the roads were so awful and so we were going along at about 120-140 km per hour bouncing along the roads. It was like nothing I had experienced in NZ.

Once we arrived at Isla Verde we went to Vir's best friends house, Juli (a different one to the one previously mentioned), and it was honestly the most amazing house. It was so retro and art deco with splashes of colour everywhere and it was just like a dream house. She was so lovely and we all sat and chatted for a while because it was so hot outside that we couldn't possibly leave the house.

A bit later we moved the tables and chairs outside, only to be joined by Lucia and Kai Ka (that spelling is most definitely wrong), and we chatted some more. They were honestly such a lovely couple and Kai Ka had been to NZ and lived there for a year about 3 years ago so that was really really awesome to talk to him about home and what he did when he was there. Including working in Christchurch and Waiheke and travelling just about everywhere.

After that at about 10:30pm we crossed the square (which was a centre point of the town) and went over to this kind of American diner. It was really quaint and cute and I had meat with melted and cheese and salad. Something I found really funny was that fact that I wanted to order water (just a bottle of normal mineral water) and they didn't have it?!?! Like I had to have a fizzy drink? It was so weird and unexpected, not a problem, just very interesting.

After that we went to an heladerĂ­a (ice cream shop) and Vir and Juli got ice creams and then we went for a drive in the car around the neighbourhood. I remember that drive very clearly because I was freaking out that I had lost my wallet because I couldn't find it anywhere and so I have no idea what they were talking about but it stuck in my brain. Eventually we returned to the house where ofcourse I found it. I was so relieved haha. It was about 1am by this point and I was very tired and so I retired to bed.

In the morning, at about 11, we headed out to breaky at a little cute cafe and I had a coffee (which ofcourse I managed to spill everywhere) and orange juice. At about 12:30pm we left the cafe, went back to the house and packed up our stuff before getting in the car to head back to Bell Ville.

The journey home was very quick and soon we were back for lunch and chill for the rest of the afternoon.

The rest of the days, Wednesday-Friday honestly passed so quickly and I didn't really do much. Emma (my host mum) was sick, Vir was back in Cordoba for the week and the weather wasn't too great. I watched both seasons of how to get away with murder (which 10/10 I recommend) and yeah. One of the nights we went out for dinner which was really nice because it was a way to get to know Martin (my eldest host brother from Buenos Aires) better. However he speaks really fast and I am still finding him hard to understand haha.

However on Friday night I met up with Sara and Pauli. Sara is a girl who got my number from Susanna (who is a rotary member) because she is interested in going on an exchange and was interested in meeting me. Anyway I went over to her house at about 5 and we chilled and it was really really nice, they are such gorgeous people and really easy to talk to. A bit later another girl Yani (pronounced shani) came over and yeah it was just really really nice.

At about 8:30pm I walked back to my house and had dinner and got to know Ignacio's girlfriend Fatima a bit better as she stayed for dinner. We had an asado (bbq) and ate a lot of food. Delicious food and I finally had avocado!!! I was so stoked hahah. At about 11:15pm I got ready as I was going out with the girls to a boliche and at 11:30pm Emma took me over to Sara's house. When I arrived she was getting ready and shortly after that Lu came over (another friend of Sara's). We chatted and chilled for about 3 hours and then at 2:30 pm we went out to a boliche. This one was called Fusion and was much smaller than Limit (the one I went to before). It was a very intimate space and there weren't that many people there, maybe a hundred.

Something quite exciting, was that I got to meet the girls in sexto (year 13) at the school I am going to. They seemed really nice and although I think they were a little inebriated they were all very excited to meet me and all screamed that they hoped I would be in their year which was very cool to hear.

Other than that we spent our time dancing and chatting with people. It's really hard to talk to people in boliches because the music is always really loud and they speak very fast and so it's a mission to not only understand but to hear as well but it was cool nonetheless.

Lu went home with her boyfriend and Sara and I made our way back to my house, before she returned to her home and  I finally fell asleep at 7am.

I slept until about 1:30pm the next day and spent the rest of the day in a tired haze. Sara invited me to come out with her and her friends that night but I was so tired and just retired to my bed instead.

Something else I haven't mentioned is that now I have gluten free food and a lot of it! We went to this dietetica (it's like a diet shop) that had been closed for holiday's when I arrived but had now reopened and they had shelves and shelves of gluten free food. I now have gluten free empanadas (an Argentinian cuisine), ricotta, bread (decent bread?!?!), pizza bases and numerous other things. They had gluten free oreos and sweet treats as well which is just so crazy cool! It is also very near by and so it is very convenient!

Upcoming events:

 1) My first rotary meeting tomorrow, which I am very excited about.
 2) A return trip with Vir to Isla Verde this coming week because she has to take photos of a girl for  her 15th birthday (it's a big deal here). We are also hopefully going to go to the farm and stay there  because it is close to Isla Verde. I really want to go there as it is kind of like a bach but not at the  beach. The house is apparently very old and massive (with 8 bedrooms?!) and a pool and horses! I  really hope we make it there.
 3) School in less than 2 weeks
 4) Undoubtedly more fun with Sara and her friends

All is good here and although I'm really missing my family and friends, I am really happy here. I'm really excited for school to start though and for it all to become routine because I'm ready to really make my life here.

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